
Illustration Friday - Thanksgiving

I'm sorry, I really wanted to draw something sweet, but somehow it didn't work.

/Edit, just in case: I mean, this is something I drew instead of the sweet picture I had in mind :D
I blame it on my mood. I hope the sweet version will come as well, but... we'll see/


  1. Egads!! There's still time to come up with something sweet :)

  2. Very nice work, but definitely not sweet! :-D

  3. Thanks, I really need this kind of support, especially today :)

  4. I'm sure you will :) Although the contents is not 'sweet', and a bit scary - poor turkey, but your illustrating style is :)

  5. lol a girl gotta do wht a girl gotta do even gettin tom turkey herself lol

  6. I can relate to the mood thing today myself. You know what they say...don't let the turkey's get you down! (Have you heard that expression?) I forgot to tell you that I like the style of the illustration, sweet or not :)

  7. Maybe she is just going to chop a tree, and not cut that turkey's head off. Maybe??

  8. no, niezla siekierka, bardzo mi sie podoba bialy kotek, ta lapka czepliwa :o)ciekawe komu ta panienka przywali... sliczna ilustracja :o)

  9. I really love how the little bird is trying to stop her by pulling on the girl's hair! Great touch!


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